To provide excellent, compelling design services to churches and ministries regardless of their ability to pay.
FruitfulBiz is a design studio positioned to help smaller churches and ministry attract people to the message of the gospel by creating contemporary, compelling graphic design and web development. Regardless of your ability to pay, your church and ministry needs the opportunity to be relavent and effective. I have the ability to help you with that. is located in suburbia, middle America. A short drive from the hustle of a major metropolitan area {where the day job is located}, and an even shorter drive to the heart of America, complete with cows, open fields of produce, orchards and the occasional Amish horse and buggy.
It is owned and operated by Karen Douglas, with the occasional assistance of her sister Kelly. It's primary focus is to assist churches and ministries to create compelling graphic design solutions across delivery types - print, multimedia, video and website development.
It's purpose is to use our talents in a way that honors God and helps share the gospel in a relevant way.